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Pacific is a one page template

Style Editor Options

Site Header

Background Color – Set the background color for the header area.

Padding – Control the amount of space on the top, bottom, left, & right of the header area.

Site Title Font – Control the font options for the site title.

Site Title Color – Set the site title font color.

Site Title Container Width – Set the width of the site title.

Logo Width – Set the width of the logo.

Cart Button Background Color – Set the background color of the view cart button.

Cart Button Font Color – Set the font color of the vew cart button.

Transparent Header – Set the header background color to transparent whenever it would be over an image.

Site Navigation

Link Font – Control the font options for the main navigation links.

Link Color – Set the color of the main navigation links.

Link Active Color – Set the color for the active page in the main navigation

Always Use Overlay Nav – Always use the overlay style navigation.

Index Scroll Nav – Turn the on-page navigation for a homepage Index collection on or off.

Page Banner

Overlay Color – Set the color & opacity of the color over the banner image.

Padding – Control the top & bottom padding in the banner area.

Page Title Font – Control the font options for the page title.

Title Font Color – Set the color for the page title.

Page Description Font – Control the font options for the page description.

Description Font Color – Set the color for the page description.

Main Content

Background Color – Set the background color for the main content area.

Text Font – Control the font options for the body font.

Text Color – Set the color for the body font.

Link Color – Set the color of links in the main content area.

Meta Font – Control the font options for the meta info font.

Meta Color – Set the color for the meta info font.

Heading 1/2/3 Font – Control the font options for the 3 levels of headings. 

Heading 1/2/3 Color –  Set the colors for the 3 levels of headings.

Quote Font – Control the font options for the quote block.

Quote Color – Set the color for the text in the quote block.


Alternating Background Color – Set the alternate background color for sections in an index collection.

Large/Medium/Small Button Color – Set the background color for the 3 sizes of buttons when they’re over an image on an index collection.

Large/Medium/Small Button Text Color – Set the text color for the 3 sizes of buttons when they’re over an image on and index collection.

Index Overlay

Color – Set the color and opacity of the overlay color on index collections.

Padding – Control the top & bottom padding on overlay sections in index collections.

Text Color – Set the text color on overlays in index collections.

Link Color – Set the link color on overlays in index collections.

Heading 1/2/3 Size – Set the font size for the 3 levels of headings on overlays in index collections.

Heading 1/2/3 Color – Set the colors for the 3 levels of headings on overlays in index collections.

Quote Size – Set the size of quote block text on overlays in index collections.

Quote Color – Set the text color for quote blocks on overlays in index collections.

Index Gallery

Design – Choose Grid or Slideshow for index galleries.

Grid Aspect Ratio – Choose the aspect ratio of the thumbnails in grid style index galleries.

Grid Max Columns – Set the max number of columns in grid style index galleries.

Slideshow Aspect Ratio – Set the aspect ratio of the images in slideshow style index galleries.

Slideshow Transition – Set the transition between images in slideshow style index galleries.

Gallery Overlay Color – Set the color & opacity of the overlay on index galleries.

Gallery Title Font – Control the font options for the image title.

Gallery Title Color – Set the color for the image title.

Gallery Description Font – Control the font options for the image description text.

Gallery Description Color – Set the color for the image description text.

Gallery Controls – Choose the style of controls for the index galleries.

Gallery Controls Color – Set the color for the controls on index galleries.

Gallery Overlay Toggle – Enable/disable the toggle for the overlay color and text on images on index galleries.


Meta Priority – Choose what meta info has priority on blog posts.

Hide Entry Author – Hide the author’s name on blog posts.

Hide List Entry Footer – Hide the share icons, categories, tags, & comments link in the blog list view.

Summary Block

Summary Block styles unique to this template

Title Font – Control the font options for the summary block item titles.

Title Color – Set the color for the summary block item titles.

Overlay Title Color – Set the color for summary block item titles that appear over images.

Pre Footer

Content – Choose what to display in the pre footer area.

Background Color – Set the background color for the pre footer area.

Heading Color – Set the color for the headings in the pre footer area.

Text Color – Set the color for the text in the pre footer area.


Background Color – Set the background color of the footer area.

Heading Color – Set the color for headings in the footer area.

Text Color – Set the color for text in the footer area.

Text Size – Set the size of the text in the footer area, as a percentage of the regular font size.

Nav Font – Control the font options for the secondary navigation.

Nav Color – Set the color for links in the secondary navigation.

Nav Active Color – Set the active link color in the secondary navigation.

Hide Site Info – Hide the site info/address in the footer.

Site Info Font – Control the font options for the site info/address in the footer.

Site Info Color – Set the color for the site info/address in the footer.


Product styles unique to this template

Hide Product Category Nav – Hide the product category navigation.

Category Nav Title Font – Control the font options for title of the product category navigation.

Category Nav Title Color – Set the color for title of the product category navigation.

Category Nav Link Font – Control the font options for the product category navigation.

Category Nav Link Color – Set the color of the links in the product category navigation.

Category Nav Link (Active) – Set the color of the active category.